Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Preliminary Task Story Proposal

Cat Food Mission Story Proposal - AS Media Preliminary Task

Premise: The captivating travels of a teenage spy to retrieve her mission from her superior leader.

Narrative: SPY, (late teens) a student begins her journey to meet her SUPERIOR. SPY walks down a corridor and busts open a door with force, once the door is open, the SPY slides forcefully down the hand rail. The SPY then swiftly and slyly rolls along the wall and around the corner and starts her assent up the stairs.The SPY then darts across a room and through a door. The SPY then enters the door and looks towards her SUPERIOR. The SUPERIOR then begins to tell the SPY about the mission to steal Miss Moffatt's cat food. The SPY then accepts this mission and then leaves the room.

Format: A very short film around 1 minute as an AS Media Preliminary Task to be posted on YouTube as part of our coursework.

Tone: The film is set in mid-day/noon and is set over a 10-15 minute time period. The film aims to show the SPY enjoying her job and picking up her next mission from her SUPERIOR. The film is light hearted but shows an important part of the SPY's work routine.

SPY - A young female actor aged 16-20. They should be athletic as being athletic and agile is part of what is needed to become a spy.

SUPERIOR - A young female actor aged 16-20.

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