Thursday, 17 November 2016

Preliminary Task Reflection

Cat Food Mission - Preliminary Task Reflection

Our task was to produce a short film and we chose to create a film that lasted approximately a minute. We had to film and edit a character opening a door, walking across a room, sitting down and engaging in a conversation with another character.

This task was given to us as a learning experience of how to film and edit so that when it comes to filming our main task, we are well equipped with the skills required to produce a successful main task. Once in our group, we came up with a mind map of all of the ideas that we put forward for our preliminary task and in the end, we chose the spy mission. once the idea was finalised; a storyboard, story proposal, shot list and script was produced. this enabled us to get a good idea on how we wanted to film our task.

We were able to film all aspects of the preliminary task in a 30 minute window during one of our lessons. Overall the filming was a success however once in the process of editing, we noticed that in one of the shots, the top of Laura's head was cut out of shot. We also discovered other issues such as unwanted background noise which is due to filming in a classroom. Also, in some scenes I (who was working the camera) didn't record the entire dialogue either it be from not giving the correct cue to the actors or cutting the recording to soon which affects the smoothness of the editing. In my opinion, the continuity editing was okay however in one scene, Laura was wearing a lanyard however in the next shot, she wasn't. This was really noticeable for us so it would definitely be noticed by an audience.

If I had the opportunity to repeat this task, taking the skills I've learnt in both filming and editing and applying them to the task would be an obvious improvement. For example, making sure that the classroom is completely silent before filming, allowing the camera to roll for a bit before giving the actors the cue to start so that I do not miss out any dialogue and making sure to not cut off anyone's head in a shot.

This preliminary task has definitely assisted me in gaining knowledge in both filming and editing, especially since I did not do Media in GCSE. I will make note of the errors in our film and will ensure that those mistakes do not occur in the main task.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Preliminary Task Story Proposal

Cat Food Mission Story Proposal - AS Media Preliminary Task

Premise: The captivating travels of a teenage spy to retrieve her mission from her superior leader.

Narrative: SPY, (late teens) a student begins her journey to meet her SUPERIOR. SPY walks down a corridor and busts open a door with force, once the door is open, the SPY slides forcefully down the hand rail. The SPY then swiftly and slyly rolls along the wall and around the corner and starts her assent up the stairs.The SPY then darts across a room and through a door. The SPY then enters the door and looks towards her SUPERIOR. The SUPERIOR then begins to tell the SPY about the mission to steal Miss Moffatt's cat food. The SPY then accepts this mission and then leaves the room.

Format: A very short film around 1 minute as an AS Media Preliminary Task to be posted on YouTube as part of our coursework.

Tone: The film is set in mid-day/noon and is set over a 10-15 minute time period. The film aims to show the SPY enjoying her job and picking up her next mission from her SUPERIOR. The film is light hearted but shows an important part of the SPY's work routine.

SPY - A young female actor aged 16-20. They should be athletic as being athletic and agile is part of what is needed to become a spy.

SUPERIOR - A young female actor aged 16-20.