Friday, 21 October 2016

Preliminary Task Script

Cat Food Mission Script - AS Media Preliminary Task 

INT. Corridor Day
The SPY kicks door open
EXT. Playground Day
The SPY slides down handrail. The SPY comes from around the corner and runs inside.
INT. Stairs Day
The SPY runs upstairs
INT. Classroom Day
The SPY runs across the room
INT. Meeting Room Day

Ah Laura! I've been expecting you.
I have travelled far and wide to find you ma'am.
I have a mission for you.
 I want you to steal Miss Moffatt's cat food.
What brand is it? Whiskers or Felix?
Whiskers, obviously.
Okay ma'am I'll get you your whiskers you need.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Monday, 3 October 2016

Preliminary Task Planning

Cat Food Mission - Preliminary Task Planning

During the planning process for the preliminary task, my group (Laura, Sabrina and Georgia) and I decided that we should create a brainstorm of the various ideas of what we should produce. Some examples of our ideas are below:

  • Torture
  • Marriage Proposal
  • Job interview
  • Spy Mission
  • Robbery
We eventually decided to choose the Spy Mission. This was because the idea only required two people to have a conversation. We chose Georgia Waley (SUPERIOR) and Laura Bishop (SPY) as the actors. If we later found that we needed more actors, then we would ask drama students.

We chose to film our preliminary task around the school as it was a convenient place and it fits our never know where spy head quarters could be.